Meet this editions experts and authors I got to interview!
In an ever-evolving publishing landscape where new apps are coming and going and where a video can launch sales, marketing your book effectively is as essential as writing it. One of the most impactful tools for gaining traction is the use of content pulls. To deep dive into this topic, I got to speak with industry professionals Alise and Glav, explaining their processes, helpful tips for authors wanting to hire someone, along with authors Deanna Grey and Marie Maravilla, who shed light on the value of content pulls, and why every author should consider using them.
What Are Content Pulls?
Content pulls involve someone going through your book(s) and identifying quotes, scenes, moments from your work that evoke strong emotions or hook in potential and existing readers enough to spike interest in your book or convince them to download/pre-order! These snippets are given to you in an easy to digest format that can be used across multiple marketing platforms like social media, newsletters, or promotional ads.
Glav, an expert not just in content pulls for authors but also on her own socials shares her inspiration for offering this service: “After my own experience posting about books and then managing authors TikTok accounts, I realized one of the hardest but most important pieces to selling a book is being able to identify what’s going to hook readers. In addition to offering full account management which includes content creation, I wanted to offer something for authors who ran their own accounts, already had someone running their accounts, or just wanted a document they could refer back to forever.”
Why Are Content Pulls So Effective?
Content pulls can be effective in many ways, from cost effective marketing, generating authentic buzz, and to having a list of Evergreen content to refer back to time and time again long after your book has released.
Author Marie Maravilla emphasize that content pulls save time and reduce stress. “The document I received was a game-changer. Everything was laid out, ready to copy and paste into Reels, TikToks, or graphics. It saved me hours and provided a solid foundation for my marketing strategy.”
Glav highlights how content pulls help streamline marketing efforts: “The quicker you find the scenes and quotes that sell your book, the more time you have to market them effectively. Even the most popular books often revolve around 5-10 scenes that get shared repeatedly.”
The Process Behind Content Pulls
"That's so great Regan, but what am I supposed to be looking for in these content pulls?" Excellent question, each service provider has their approach to identifying the perfect snippets. Alisa and Glav gave me a look into how they identify what content to pull.
For Alise, it’s about the emotional reaction:
“I look for quotes or scenes that evoke strong emotions. If it made me cry, swoon, or think, ‘Where are these men in real life?’ it’s worth pulling. Visual scenes that play out in my mind like a Bob Ross painting are also prime candidates.”
Glav’s process combines intuition with market research:
“I focus on moments that grabbed me as a reader and those that are trending among readers. I start broad, pulling everything remotely marketable, and then refine the list to content that translates well on social media.”
When I’m doing a content pull for my clients, I focus on what grabs my attention the most, those standout moments that stick with you. Then, I think about how that moment can shine: “This would be perfect for an annotation graphic,” or “This quote is made for an aesthetic edit,” or even “Readers are 1000% going to make reels with this line.” It’s like I have to switch on the content creator side of my brain and ask myself, “If this were for my own socials, what would I create?” That perspective helps me pull content that truly resonates and is ready to captivate audiences.
I asked Alise and Glav what makes content the most shareable, and I have to agree with their responses just from a consumer standpoint who has fallen prey to a Tiktok a time or two:
Alise: “In romance, emotional scenes, spicy quotes, and witty banter are winners, especially when paired with visuals.”
Glav: “Snappy, intriguing text with clear context works best. Readers need to understand the scene quickly to stay engaged.”
With service providers having different processes of identifying what content to highlight for marketing, it is incredibly important as an author to communicate with what you're wanting out of the content pull.
Marie highlights the importance of tailoring pulls to the author’s needs: “Authors should clearly communicate what they’re looking for, whether it’s specific tropes, hooks for newsletters, or social media captions.”
Deanna explains how she will explicitly express what kind of content she is looking to make based on what is popular with her audience: "When you request for a content pull communicate what you want your readers to feel/experience when coming to your page. For example, if you want to make your posts fun and interactive, ask if your content pulls could be focused on moments that could be transformed into mini games (like ‘pick an emoji for date night’ or ‘which character are you most likely to…’)."
Challenges in the Process
No process is without hurdles, and of course pulling content has it's own. Alise admits that selecting the right content can be daunting: “You want to please every reader, but ultimately, you have to trust your instincts.” For Glav, navigating platform restrictions on certain words requires creativity and adaptability.
However when hiring the service provider that is the best fit for you, these problems are a breeze to overcome and work past!
Success Stories
Several authors have achieved significant marketing success using content pulls. Alise points to Evelyn Leigh, who built anticipation for her debut novel, Elevator Pitch, with spicy quotes and creative character profiles. Similarly, Marie M.’s hockey romance went viral on TikTok, thanks to Glav’s expertly curated pulls.
Tips for Authors
To maximize the benefits of content pulls, Alise, Glav, Marie and Deanna recommend the following:
-Hire a Professional: A service provider’s expertise can save time and provide valuable insights.
-Don't be afraid to ask for examples of work, testimonials from previous clients, or references. You want to make sure you are working with someone who knows what they are doing.
-Ask the Right Questions: Inquire about the provider’s rates, timeline, process, and ability to include visuals if that is something you need. Make sure you both are on the same page of what is expected and what will be included in the content pull. For example: Is it just going to be a document with copy and pasted quotes? Or is it going to be organized into: quotes, scenes, video hooks etc. This is important to know before you start working together.
-Repurpose Content: As Marie suggests, “Content pulls are everlasting documents. Use them for social media, newsletters, and even re-releases.”
Well there you have it...
Content pulls are a powerful tool that can elevate your book marketing strategy. They save time, reduce stress, and provide a treasure trove of material to engage readers across platforms. These are materials that you can use time and time again and can have in your back pocket years to come. Whether you’re an emerging author or a seasoned writer, investing in content pulls could be the key to your next marketing breakthrough.